Are You
Alcohol Dependent?
This simple test is
(on average, 98% accurate)

How It Works
Below, you will find 10 simple questions.
Select the most appropriate answer from the choices given and keep a note of your score.
(each answer is scored from zero to four points)
To answer some of the questions correctly, you need to know the correct definition of a drink.
One Unit of Alcohol is...

...and each of these are more than one unit.

Keep in mind,
there are no right or wrong
Just answer
each of the questions
as openly and as honestly
as possible.
How often
do you have a drink
containing alcohol ?
Never = 0 points
Monthly, or less = 1 point
2 to 4 times per month = 2 points
2 to 3 times per week = 3 points
4 or more times per week = 4 points
How many units of alcohol
do you drink on a typical day
when you are drinking?
0 to 2 units = 0 points
3 to 4 units = 1 point
5 to 6 units = 2 points
7 to 9 units = 3 points
10 or more units = 4 points
How often have you had
6 or more units if you are female,
or 8 or more units if you are male,
on a single occasion in the last year?
Never = 0 points
Less than monthly = 1 point
Monthly = 2 points
Weekly = 3 points
Daily, or almost daily = 4 points
How often during the last year
have you found that you were
not able to stop drinking
once you had started?
Never = 0 points
Less than monthly = 1 point
Monthly = 2 points
Weekly = 3 points
Daily, or almost daily = 4 points
How often during the last year
have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of your drinking?
Never = 0 points
Less than monthly = 1 point
Monthly = 2 points
Weekly = 3 points
Daily, or almost daily = 4 points
How often during the last year
have you needed an alcoholic drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?
Never = 0 points
Less than monthly = 1 point
Monthly = 2 points
Weekly = 3 points
Daily, or almost daily = 4 points
How often during the last year
have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
Never = 0 points
Less than monthly = 1 point
Monthly = 2 points
Weekly = 3 points
Daily, or almost daily = 4 points
How often during the last year
have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
Never = 0 points
Less than monthly = 1 point
Monthly = 2 points
Weekly = 3 points
Daily, or almost daily = 4 points
Have you or somebody else
been injured as a result
of your drinking?
No = 0 points
Yes, but not in the last year = 2 Points
Yes, in the last year = 4 points
Has a relative or friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested that you cut down?
No = 0 points
Yes, but not in the last year = 2 Points
Yes, in the last year = 4 points
Score ?
Low Risk = 0 to 7 points
Increasing Risk= 8 to 15 points
High Risk = 16 to 19 points
Possible Dependence = 20+ points
If you scored 10, or more, you may have a problem. We can help.
Contact Us

Your successful recovery is only one conversation away. So contact us. We're here to help you take the most important first step, whenever you are ready.