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We know you have
Everyone does.

It is perfectly natural that you will have worries, concerns and questions about going to rehab. So, we've listed, some of the most common questions that our guests raised with us below.
However, if you have any other questions, simply get in touch and we will be happy to provide you with all the information you need.
Am I dependent on alcohol?Drinking more and more alcohol, and planning your life around ways to find the next drink, feeling a compulsive need to drink and being unable to stop drinking when you start are all signs of alcohol dependence. It’s most common in people with anxiety, depression or who have a lot of stress in their life or job.
What’s different between Detox & Rehab?There is a lot of confusion around Detoxification and Residential Rehabilitation and most people aren’t aware of the ‘difference’ between the two. Detoxification or “detox” is a planned withdrawal from drinking alcohol and may involve taking a short course of medicine to help prevent withdrawal symptoms. Your GP may prescribe these, and you would take them at home (it is known as a “Community Detox”) or you may need to stay in a specialist treatment centre during detoxification. However medicines are only available as a short-term treatment to help you gain control but they are not a long-term solution. Residential Rehabilitation or “rehab” in a place like Brynawel offers you a place to stay, typically for up to sixteen weeks, while you take part in a programme and a range of treatments after you have undergone a detox. It is where you are able to talk with trained therapists about your problems, take part in groups with people who, like you, are determined to overcome their dependency. An important part of any treatment is to help you understand the reasons for your drinking and to give you the skills to control or stop the urge to drink.
How much will it cost to stay at Brynawel for Rehab?The costs for rehab places at Brynawel is competitively priced. We accept private referrals from people who are able to self-fund their care as well as referrals from private companies as part of their Employee Assistance Programme. For those paying privately the cost is £1,400 per week. We have a minimum 8-week stay charged prior to admission at £11,200. We are able to accept payment via credit card. We also accept referrals from Local Authorities who provide either full or part funding under Welsh Government Community Care Funding. For details regarding the cost of Local Authority funded programs please contact Claire at Brynawel who will be able to advise you.
How much will it cost to stay at Brynawel for a DetoxThe full cost of our residential detox is £2,750. There is a £250 fee for a detox assessment which is deducted from the full cost if the detox proceeds.
What payment methods to you accept?We accept payments by bank transfer, debit or credit card.
Am I entitled to get a place at Brynawel?The first questions you need to ask are...Am I ready for Rehab? Is it the right thing for me? Which programme and which setting would suit me best? It does help to know however that you are entitled to ask your local authority for a community care assessment, and that the local authorities have a statutory obligation to perform one. Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your circumstances in more detail.
How long is the rehabilitation programme for?Our standard residential programme is for sixteen weeks, but we can tailor programmes to meet your individual needs.
Will I have to share a room?No. Every guest has their own room with en suite facilities.
Can I have visitors when I am at Brynawel?Yes, of course. You can have family and friends to visit you during your stay. We encourage visitors to attend Brynawel during visiting times which are on a Saturday between 1.30-5pm. Young children are welcome and we can make arrangements for parents with very young children to visit on a Wednesday at 4.30 for an hour before evening meal is served. We value the role family can play in your rehabilitation and we offer family sessions as part of our programme.
Can I leave the Brynawel grounds?No, you will not be allowed to leave the site, unless accompanied by a support worker, until the twelfth week of your stay.
Can I bring my mobile phone / tablet / other devices?Yes, however we do have a specific mobile phone policy in place. You can bring in your phone but it must be handed into staff during the day times and it will be returned to you after evening session for a few hours. Your phone then needs handed back into staff before bed and will be kept in a secure place until the following evening. On weekends, you can keep your phone from Friday evening through to Sunday night.
Is this is faith based or religious organisation?No. The Brynawel programme is not religious based. However we respect all faiths and religions and we will support you in accessing your chosen religion whilst you are on the programme. If you are looking for a faith based approach then there are other rehabs e.g. those that offer the “12 Step Programme” and that might be more appropriate for you.
Is there a TV in my room?Yes. There is a TV in your room and also a TV in the lounge of Ty Coed, but this is not normally used until the evenings.
Do I have to speak about my issues in a group?A lot of our programme is based in a group setting and everyone is encouraged to engage in all sessions. The programme incorporates individual therapy sessions which means you can explore things which are very private to you in a confidential space.
Will I get help paying my debts?We will arrange for you to get help and guidance with financial issues such as benefits and debts.
How much time is spent in group therapy?Group therapy takes place every day, Monday to Friday, with a programme of activity every evening and at weekends.
Do I get any support when I leave?We have a dedicated Aftercare Coordinator who will provide you with support on a weekly basis for three months after you leave Brynawel Thereafter you will be offered a three monthly ‘check in’ session to monitor your progress and problem solve any issues that may arise for you post discharge. Our Admissions and Discharge Coordinator also supports discharge planning by working with services in your local community. As part of your discharge plan we will provide opportunities for you to engage in services that will assist you in maintaining your goal of abstinence. We also provide up to 3 post discharge one to one counselling sessions following discharge, including opportunities for family re-engagement work if required.
What if I’m homeless?Every effort will be made to secure appropriate accommodation and you will be offered all of the relevant support to address your individual housing issues.
What if I have problems during the night?Brynawel’s Rehab support staff are available 24 hours a day and are available to talk to you about any problems or concerns you have at any time.
What happens if I want to see a doctor?At the start of your stay you will be registered with our local G.P.’s surgery and we support guests in accessing and attending appointments with the Doctor and similarly with Dentists and Opticians.
Will I be able to work on my physical health?We will support you to access any medical treatment you need. You have access to the gym at Brynawel every day, and on a Thursday, you can attend the excellent Llantrisant Leisure Centre where you can swim, use the gym equipment or sauna. There are also regular walks arranged including the beach and the forestry. You would also be able to discuss your dietary needs with our Chef.
Will I be treated respectfully and fairly?Yes. The expression of respect and dignity for each other, whether guest or member of staff, is expected at all times and in all situations.
Does entering rehab mean I will lose my job?A common reason for people not wanting to access treatment or enter into a rehab is the fear of losing their job. If you resist accessing services to help you with your addiction, you may be at risk of damaging your physical and emotional health and potentially put yours and your colleagues safety at risk. Many employers offer assistance to people with dependencies through their Employee Assistance Programme as part of their Drug and Alcohol in the Workplace Policy and may offer you support to address your dependency. Many employers recognise the benefits of providing assistance to staff by supporting them to access treatment rather than losing highly skilled or valued staff.
Will I be cut off from my family?We understand that the thought of being cut off from your family can be hard, and we encourage you to keep in touch with family if you wish to. You can use your phone in the evenings and at the weekend. It is also quite common for people to use their laptops to video chat with family while they are here.
Will I be isolated?No. Only you can do this, but we don’t believe you can do this on your own. You’ll get support from staff, other guests and a range of external agencies. You’ll learn to trust, and on occasions, rely on others to succeed in certain activities and improve your ability to communicate effectively and you will experience group and personal success. We are fifteen minutes from junctions 34 and 35 of the M4 motorway and half a mile in both directions from local villages. So although we are situated in our own spacious grounds we cannot be described as being remote or isolated.
Contact Us

Your successful recovery is only one conversation away. So contact us. We're here to help you take the most important first step, whenever you are ready.
01443 226 864
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